Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Diet Soda Fiend?

Okay, so I had a friend request a little advice on diet soda, and after I responded to her message tailored specifically to her, I thought it might be worth throwing it on the new ThinWithAGrin Facebook Page and the blog site here.
First I'm going to tell you what I know currently know and do about my secret love for Diet Pepsi with Lime. This particular friend and sorority sister of mine reached out and told me that she really doesn’t like water. She’s not alone, I hear it a lot. “Water is so boring,” but drinking diet soda in place of water is a tricky situation. I can't sit here and tell you DO NOT DRINK DIET SODA, YOU’RE SO BAD, because then I'd be being hypocritical. I have a Diet Pepsi with my own added lime about once (sometimes twice) a week, but it took me time to get to that point. If it's the caffeine you need or crave, try switching to green tea, less caffeine but it’s another situation where you’re getting more bang for your buck! You can even make your tea with carbonated water (my sister taught me that) beat that urge for carbonation!  Tea is affordable and also does great things for your body in terms of antioxidants and metabolism, naturally. Name brand doesn't matter either, for the record.
What I really think is that we should limit ourselves to one diet soda each day (or wean yourself off slowly- whatever it takes so you don’t get the caffeine shakes). (This is where you should remind yourself or let me tell you that caffeine is a DRUG! Addictive qualities and all, don't forget that). If you're drinking diet soda in place of something like water, your body is missing out on the nutrients it NEEDS from water; or something similar. Moderation is key, just like anything else! I also thought diet soda was a great alternative until I realized that artificial sweeteners in them can actually contribute to bloating, causing our bodies to retain water (we hate bloating, right?).
*In regards to children, allowing kids to drink diet soda does a "number" on the strength of their growing bones (preventing proper calcification). Parents, put your foot down. Please and thank you, they'll thank you later!
So, here's what I do instead. If you’re drinking diet soda it’s probably because you don’t want the calories of a regular soda.  I read somewhere (I have no idea where) that most American’s get over 30 some percent of their calories from liquid, that’s what causes weight gain. Thinking you’re just enjoying a few glasses of, let’s say, cranberry juice each day, these juices are loaded with sugar and can add an approximately 500 calories to your diet just in liquid, no bueno.  Anyways, I drink the Powerade Zero and new zero calorie Propel ALL the time. I buy the ones that are huge, about 4 servings in each container, and they will provide you with more of the vitamins and minerals you’re missing out on when you’re living artificial sweetened liquid diet. (Vitamin B6, B3, &B12).
*These B vitamins are also associated with stress relief, so maybe a switch could help you in more ways than one. :) I know that because I take a B-Complex vitamin which has been proven to help with stress; I basically do it for my boyfriend. He’d probably leave if I didn’t! (Totally kidding, but it helps).
I can usually find these Powerades for a dollar each (advertised like 5 for 5 or 10 for 10) and if not a dollar, for something close, like a dollar and fifteen cents. Considering they have 4 servings per bottle, they last me a while and are within my unemployed budget. Most of all, they taste good! These drinks are going to provide you with electrolytes you're missing like sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium too. You are probably getting sodium from your soda, but what does sodium do? It causes us to retain water, so diet soda is like a double bloating whammy. BOO!  Without these essential electrolytes and nutrients you're going to feel drained, but the caffeine intake in your soda is hiding that from you.  Adding these nutrients to sport drinks is the way to replenish the athlete.
*If you’re an athlete just finishing up a tournament, game, practice, or just someone working out, go ahead and DOWN a regular or low calorie Powerade/Gatorade.  Your body just did a whole lot for you and deserves a little payback.  But now that we have a zero calorie option, it's totally doable as a switch for someone looking to kick the diet soda habit, who may not be as active as they’d like or have time for.
* Another random thing, there's now a new Orange Juice and Apple juice that have half the calories and sugar, only 50 calories per serving (8 fl oz.). Those are the vitamins and nutrients you're missing out on by filling up on diet soda. Get an entire serving of Vitamin C in one 8 oz. glass, and it’s a great source of Potassium as well. (Folic acid too, great for women looking to prevent birth defects in future children).  The brand is Tropicana, and it’s called “Trop 50.”
So, after sharing what I currently knew I did a little research on artificial sweeteners and diet soda. Here's what I found (in regards to long term drinking of the diet soda). According to the National Cancer Institute and some other agencies, there's no for sure scientific evidence that any of the artificial sweeteners approved for use in the United States cause cancer or other serious health problems. And numerous research studies confirm that artificial sweeteners are generally safe in LIMITED quantities. With that being said, I recommend just cutting back if you’re a little diet soda fiend.  Trying out the Powerade Zero or Propel Zero is a great option so your body is getting what it needs to be the best it can be.  But remember we need calories to survive; it gives us energy and keeps our metabolisms revved up. When we aren't taking in enough calories our bodies go into "starvation mode" thinking, "AH, when am I going to get food again?" I’ve probably said that in a previous entry (sorry).  When this happens our metabolisms shut down to preserve what we've currently got running through our systems to nourish us.  Keeping your metabolism up by eating small frequent meals, paying attention to appropriate calorie intake for your activity level and age, and cutting back on the diet soda; I’d bet my left arm you’ll notice a change. Not instantly, but I would think pretty darn soon. Your body needs time to adjust...but it will love you for it, and so will the scale.

NOW: Another request answered here--here's a workout move that I swear by for core strengthening but it focuses on the lower portion of the abdominal muscles (the problem for most of us). If you have a hard time with the balance of this, start by just holding the initial position for 30 second intervals. You'll definitely feel the burn baby! <---GREAT RESOURCE
  1. Place an exercise ball nearby and lay on the floor in front of it with your hands on the floor shoulder width apart in a push-up position.
  2. Now place your lower shins on top of an exercise ball.
    At this point your legs should be fully extended with the shins on top of the ball and the upper body should be in a push-up type of position being supported by your two extended arms in front of you. This will be your starting position (the one you should hold if you're not quite to the point of moving to step two of the exercise).
  3. While keeping your back completely straight and the upper body stationary, pull your knees in towards your chest as you exhale, allowing the ball to roll forward under your ankles. Squeeze your abs and hold that position for a second.
  4. Now slowly straighten your legs, rolling the ball back to the starting position as you inhale.
  5. Do 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions, if you can. If not, let listen to your body. Start out slow and you'll get there.


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